Bookish Wrap Up | December
Hello Readers,
Firstly, let me just apologise for the lateness in sharing my December 2022 Wrap Up with you all. I’ve had other things that have need my energy and sadly this little place has been a bit neglected ~ I’m still trying to figure out a nice balance of the things I want to do with the amount of energy I have and it’s such a struggle. I’m often reminded of the line in Little Women when someone tells Jo she should have been a Lawyer and her response is “I should have been a great many things!” Well I want to do a great many things but the limits imposed on me by my body make that difficult, so sometimes there are things I have to forgo at times. But I’m hoping I’m find that nice balance of a schedule at some point ~ send good vibes for that actually happening!

Bookish Wrap Up | November
Hello Readers,
I can’t believe it’s already December! This year seems to have gone by so quickly and November felt like it went by just as quick.
It’s been a pretty good reading month in the amount I’ve been able to read and there’s one book I’ve read that is definitely on my top reads of the year. So without further ado, let me tell about the books I’ve read this month…
June Bookish Wrap Up
Hello Readers,
I just don’t know where the months seem to be going because it feels like it wasn’t that long ago when I sat down to write my May Wrap Up!
Compared to last month, I didn’t read as much but I did pick up one of the chonkier {it’s a word} books on my TBR and read that this month, so that’s like reading two of three “normal” length books as it’s just over 600 pages. So without further ado, let me tell you about the books I’ve managed to read during June…

May Bookish Wrap Up
Hello Readers,
I hope May was a kind month to you all and you managed to read some enjoyable books. I somehow managed to read 8 books this month, 3 via audiobook, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of them. So let me tell you all about them…

April Bookish Wrap Up
Hello Readers,
I hope April was a kind month for you all and that you enjoyed any books you were able to read.
I actually had a decent reading month and managed to read quite a few books ~ thanks to reading some via audiobooks. So here are the books I read and my thoughts on them…

January Bookish Wrap Up
Hello Readers and Happy February!
I hope you’ve read some lovely books this past month. I’ve personally had a good reading month and I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve read and my thoughts on them with you.
I’ve managed to read 8 books this month, so let’s get straight into them shall we?
December Bookish Wrap Up
Hello friends and Happy 2022!
It’s time to wrap up the final books I read in 2021. December was the month in which I continued a couple of series, finished the last book in a series and read an entire series. So without further ado lets get into the books…
November Bookish Wrap Up / December TBR
Hello friends,
It seems like it’s been a while since I did a Bookish Wrap Up since I missed October ~ I only read Dune that month and I wrote a full review on it here, in case you missed it. November was a quiet reading month as well as I read two books this past month. So instead of this being a really short wrap up, I thought I’d include my December TBR at the end.
So let’s get into the books…
July Bookish Wrap Up
Don’t panic, it’s not the beginning of August yet. I’ve just decided to publish my July Wrap Up a week early as I have a book tour book review {details below} that needs to be published in the first of August and instead of trying to deal with two articles in one week, I thought I’d just move up my Wrap Up.
So let’s get straight into the books shall we?
June Bookish Wrap Up
I know it’s been a little while since I published a post here and that’s because I decided to take a little writing break. After managing to publish two articles a week during May, I really needed some time out but due to obligations, I couldn’t take a break until mid-June. But I’m back, feeling ready to get writing again and what better way to start than to tell you all about the books that I read during June!

May Bookish Wrap Up
I hope May was a kind month for you all and you were able to read some lovely books. I managed to read three books in May and all were enjoyable. May was quite an exhausting month due to it being M.E Awareness Month and I had a number of nights when I could barely read a page before needing to sleep. But that’s okay and managing to read three books is still good going.

April Book Wrap Up
I decided to post my April Wrap Up a little early as May is M.E Awareness Month and I have a number of posts planned around that for the month. So I didn’t want my Wrap Up to get missed or mixed up with those articles.
I didn’t really have a set TBR for April, just an idea of what I wanted to pick up. So in total I managed to read six books, three physically and three via audiobook. Here’s my mini reviews on the books I’ve managed to read in April:

February Bookish Wrap Up
How was your February? I hope it was a kind one and you were able to read a book or two. I read a total of three books this month, two physical and one audiobook, plus one play. Here’s what they were, along with my thoughts…

January Bookish Wrap Up
Welcome the first of the new format of my Monthly Wrap Up articles! I realised that trying to do a more favourite based wrap up just wasn’t working for me by the end of last year, as most of the things in my life that I love, don’t really change much from month to month. So rather than simply repeat myself each month ~ that’s not fun for you to read or me to write ~ I’m going to make my wrap ups purely about the books I’ve read within each month. So each month, I’ll write little mini reviews, which will hopefully help those of you that are looking for books read.

December Wrap Up
I said in my November wrap up that I would be publishing my December a little earlier than usual just so I can take a break from writing and posting ready to start again in the new year. So here we go, here’s a few things I’ve been enjoying over the past few weeks of December.
November Wrap Up
With the start of December upon us, it’s time for my monthly wrap up post. November didn't have the best of starts but overall, in comparison with how my December has started, it wasn’t that bad really. So within further ado, let me tell you about a few things that I’ve been enjoying this past month…
October Wrap Up
I’m beginning to struggle to find new ways to introduce these Wraps Up. But it’s that time again and I’m so sad that October is over as it’s one of my favourite months of the year. It’s the month where Autumn really kicks in and the leaves are in their peak colour change.
September Wrap Up
Yep it’s time to wrap up the month again. While we’re now in my favourite time of the year, September has been interesting month; it’s been a mixture of fun, exhaustion and emotional ups and downs. So lets get into the all of it!
July Wrap Up
It’s that time again and I know I probably I say this each month, but it does feel like only last week when I was putting together my June one. I’m not complaining about how quick the Summer months are passing by as the sooner we get to Autumn, the better! I hope July was a lovely month for you all, despite everything going on in the world right now.