November Wrap Up

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ID: Graphic with a grey background with the words November Wrap Up in the centre and stars, a cup and a book surrounding it.

Hello friends,

With the start of December upon us, it’s time for my monthly wrap up post. November didn't have the best of starts but overall, in comparison with how my December has started, it wasn’t that bad really. So within further ado, let me tell you about a few things that I’ve been enjoying this past month…

Health Update:

I think the biggest thing that effected my health this month was the clock change at the end of October. Every year it messes up my sleep and this year, it took a good few weeks for my sleep to normalise a little bit. So for the first couple of weeks of November I was sleeping earlier but waking up between 4am and 6am every day, which really took its toll on me. Thankfully, my sleep has slowly begun to get back to normal and I’m not waking as early now.

I’m currently dealing with a chest infection, a sore throat and as I write this, I feel like I’ve also got a cold/sinus infection coming on too. So that’s all fun to deal with!

Book: A Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson

Before I tell you about this book, I will just mention that this book needs a trigger warning for domestic abuse and some things are quite difficult to read.

ID: The book A space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson.

A Space Between Worlds follows Cara, who lives in a world where there are multiple earths. As the majority of Cara’s doppelgängers are dead, she is able to traverse to these other earths and collect data about them for the company she works for. There are a few sinister characters within this book and a number of them are not all they seem to be, including Cara herself.

With all these twists and turns and multiple earths, I did find myself feeling a bit lost while reading this at times. There was a lot of information to take in, especially during the first few chapters, which I completely understand, but I don’t think I’ve read such an information heavy book for a while. I did at first think it was just me as I felt even more exhausted than normal when I began reading this {see health update above} So I felt I maybe wasn’t taking it in properly and maybe missing certain points of information.

However, as this was my Animal Crossing Book Club’s Optional Buddy Read Book, when we got together at the end of November and chatted about this book, I found the other two people who had read this, also felt a bit lost at times ~ so it was definitely more an information overload in the book, than me or them. But the general consensus was that we all enjoyed it and found it interesting.

ID: A little pot of Vitamin E Intense Moisture Cream.

I’ve mentioned on here before, many times, that I have very dry, sensitive skin mainly due to having Eczema. But when the colder months come around, I find the combination of the drop in temperature outside {not that I’ve actually left the house recently} and the central heating being on a lot more throughout the day, dries my skin even more.

While I use this Vitamin E moisturiser throughout the year when I skin needs that extra hit of hydration, I find this usually the only moisturiser I use during the Winter months as it helps my skin so much. It’s just so soothing, so rich and leaves my skin feeling like I’ve given it a pamper even though all I’ve done it cleanse, tone and moisturise!

So if you’re needing a more intense moisturiser for the colder months, maybe have a look into trying this one.

ID: A cup of tea with a box of Twinings Ceylon Tea next to it.

I have such a big collection of teas, that I felt it was high time I started swapping out my elevenses English Breakfast Tea for one of the others. As I’ve had Ceylon tea before, I decided to start with that and I love Twinings blend of this tea so much. It has such lovely, refreshing taste to it, that’s not too strong and so perfect for that mid morning pick me up, while I’m writing.

Twinings are also having a big sale at the moment, which includes teas and gifts from across their entire range, some of which have up to 50% off! It’s definitely worth taking a look as you might just find your new favourite tea or a lovely gift for your tea loving loved one.

TV Show: The Crown Season 4

I’ve been watching The Crown since the first season was released back in 2016 and November saw the release of the fourth season on Netflix. I watched this over the course of a few days and just like with the previous seasons, I found them very interesting and insightful. I know that a lot of the episodes contain many dramatised moments surrounding a number of the events being featured. But as with the previous seasons, I have learned a lot about my own country’s history as I like to search out the facts and articles being brought up in each episode.

You see, aside from World War II, pretty much every main event that has been centred on in each episode fro the beginning, isn’t something that is taught in history class. So I spend sometime after each episode, searching and reading articles about the actual events, something I’d definitely recommend doing, especially if you live in the UK and want to know more about the country’s history.

So there we have it, those are a few of the things I’ve enjoyed over the course of November. While I don’t celebrate the holidays, I am planning to take a bit of a writing break at the end of the month, ready to start again in January. So there’ll be no post the week of 28th of December but I’ll be back on the 4th of January with my first article of 2021. I’m also thinking of doing my December Wrap Up the week of the 21st as I think it will be a nice way to round out the year.

I hope your November was a kind one and your December has had a nice start.

Stay Safe.

L x


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