Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes | Paperback Book Tour
Hello Readers,
Back in July I had the privilege of being part of the hardback book tour for Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes and after recently re-reading the book, today I have the honour of sharing my thoughts on this amazing story again in celebration of the paperback release!
But before I tell you how my re-read went, let me share the synopsis so you know what the book is about:

Zero Ri$k by Simon Hayes | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the book tour for Simon Hayes’ Zero Ri$k. The tour started on the 25th of June and runs until the 17th of July. I’ve added all the tour details at the end of this article if you’re interested in knowing what the other participants thought of the book.
As usual, before I go into my thoughts on Zero Ri$k, let me give you the synopsis, so you know what the book is about:

Artificial Wisdom by Thomas Weaver | Paperback Book Tour
Hello Readers,
Last October I had the privilege of reading and reviewing Artificial Wisdom by Thomas Weaver for Literally PR’s Book Tour. I loved it so much that not only was it one of my top reads of 2023 and it has become one of my favourite books of all time!
Now that the paperback edition has been published this month, Literally PR are holding another Book Tour and I have the absolute honour of opening the tour. All the details for the tour are at the end of this article, so if you’d like to follow along and find out what others thought of the book, you can do so.
So before I get into my thoughts, let me share the blurb from the back of the book with you all:

Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree | Blind Date Book Review
Hello Readers,
After giving it some thought, I’ve decided that rather than do a full monthly wrap here of all the books I’ve read, I’m going to write a full review of the Blind Date Books I’ll be reading throughout the year. That way I can share my thoughts thoroughly on one book rather than trying to cram in numerous reviews into one post for you.

How To Do Life With A Chronic Illness by Pippa Stacey {Guest Post}
Hello! My name is Pippa, and I’m the author of How To Do Life With A Chronic Illness. The book is released on 18th April 2024 but available to pre-order right now! If I may, I’d love to tell you a bit more about me and how this book came about…
2024 Blind Date With a Book Challenge
Hello dear Readers,
I hope you are all doing as well as possible and your 2024 has gotten off to a good start.
I thought I’d start off this year’s articles with talking about my Blind Date With a Book Challenge. For those of you that have been around here for a long time, you may remember that this is something I decided to do in 2023. Well I enjoyed the process so much, that I’ve decided to carry it on into 2024.

Favourite Books of 2023
Hello Readers,
…From the 70 books I’ve read this year, the ones that made the list were the ones that stood out to me from all the rest. The ones which grabbed me from page one, pulled me into their worlds and stayed with me long after I finished them.
From these 12, it’s difficult to pick which one is my absolute favourite because they are all so different. I love each and every one of them for the author’s writing style, their characters, their plots and the worlds they have built and chosen to share…

A Girl Beyond Closed Doors by Jessica Taylor-Bearman | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the book tour for A Girl Beyond Closed Doors, the beautiful conclusion to Jessica Taylor-Bearman’s A Girl Series. The tour started on the 13th of November and is running until the 4th of December ~ all the details are at the end of this article so you can check out the reviews of the other participants if you’d like.
Before I get into my thoughts or share the synopsis of this book with you, I do just want to mention a couple things that some readers may find triggering and I feel need to be aware of…

Artificial Wisdom by Thomas R.Weaver | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the book tour for Thomas Weaver’s Artificial Wisdom. The tour started on the 2nd of October and is running until the 31st ~ all the details are at the end of this article so you can check out the reviews of the other participants if you’d like.
As usual, before I get into my thoughts on this incredible book, let me share the synopsis with you:

Five Things that Might Surprise Readers about the Limerent Series | Bright Midnights by LS Delorme Book Tour
Hello Readers,
Today is the first day of the Bright Midnights by LS Delorme Book Tour and rather than a review of the book from myself, the author has kindly put together a piece for you to find out more about her books and the series in general. The tour runs from today, the 2nd of October, to the 16th and you can find all the details at the end of this article.
Before we get into the main section of this article, let me share the synopsis of Bright Midnights, so you know a little more about the book:

Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn? by Carole Smith | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the Book Tour for Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn? a beautiful children’s book written by Carole Smith. The tour started on the 15th of July and runs to the 8th of August, so if you’re interested in following the tour and reading the other reviews, then you can find all the details at the end of this review.
As usual, before I share my thoughts, let me tell you the synopsis from the back of the book:

The Prodigal Son by Chris Bishop | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the Book Tour for The Prodigal Son, the final book in Chris Bishop’s The Shadow of the Raven Series. The tour started on the 3rd of July and runs to the 21st, so if you’re interested in following the tour and reading the other reviews, then you can find all the details at the end of this review.
I also joined the book tour for the previous book in this series, Bloodlines, so if you’d like to find out more about that book and what I thought of it, you can find the review here. So I was so happy to be able to read this final book in the series and find out what happens. But before I get into my thoughts for The Prodigal Son, let me tell you the synopsis so you know what the book is about:

Book Review | Bobby and Bubba’s Small Adventures by Anthony Coombs
Hello Readers,
I was very kindly gifted a couple of copies of Anthony Coombs’ short story collection, Bobby and Bubba’s Small Adventures by the lovely people at Literally PR and so I’m here to share not only my thoughts on the book but also that of a couple of my family members. But before I get into the review, let me tell you a little about the book and the author from the PR page:

The Weights We Carry C. D Seventeen | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the Book Tour for C. D. Seventeen’s poetry collection, The Weights We Carry. The tour began on the 10th of April and ends on the 1st of May, and if you’d like to find out what the other tour participants thought, you can find all the details at the end of this article.
As usual, before I get into my thoughts let me tell you a little bit about this book, how it came to be and about the author:

Bloodlines by Chris Bishop | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn on the Book Tour for Chris Bishop’s book, Bloodlines. If you’re interested in following the tour and reading the other reviews, then you can find all the details and names of the other reviewers at the end of this review.
Before I tell you my thoughts on the book, let me tell you the synopsis so you know what the book is about:

The Logos Prophecy by Martin Treanor | Book Tour Review
Hello Readers,
It’s my turn today on the book tour for Martin Treanor’s The Logos Prophecy. The tour started on the 26th of January and runs to the 15th of February and if you’d like to read the other participants reviews, then you can find all the details at the end of this article.
But before I tell you my thoughts on the book, let me share the synopsis from the back of the book, so you know what The Logos Prophecy is about.

Bookish Wrap Up | January
Hello Readers,
Before we get into the books, you may have noticed a graphic change for my Wrap Ups. Each year I like to change them up a bit and I spent some time last night {as I’m writing this} playing around in the GoDaddy Studio App {use to be called Over} and I really like what I came up with ~ I think it’s clean and simple and exactly the look I want for my graphics. Let me know what you think.
If you didn’t see my December 2022 Wrap Up, I’ve decided to change up the format of these Wrap Ups a little bit and make them more of a list of what I’ve read, broken up into Audiobooks and Physical Books. I’ll share if I enjoyed the books but won’t go into a huge amount of detail about the books or my thoughts on them. Any books that I want to tell you more about, I’ll write a dedicated review for. I’m hoping this will just help lessen the energy needed for writing these and help me get back to writing more regularly again.
Okay, so lets get into the books I managed to read/listen to during January…

Bookish Wrap Up | December
Hello Readers,
Firstly, let me just apologise for the lateness in sharing my December 2022 Wrap Up with you all. I’ve had other things that have need my energy and sadly this little place has been a bit neglected ~ I’m still trying to figure out a nice balance of the things I want to do with the amount of energy I have and it’s such a struggle. I’m often reminded of the line in Little Women when someone tells Jo she should have been a Lawyer and her response is “I should have been a great many things!” Well I want to do a great many things but the limits imposed on me by my body make that difficult, so sometimes there are things I have to forgo at times. But I’m hoping I’m find that nice balance of a schedule at some point ~ send good vibes for that actually happening!

Blind Date With a Book | TBR Challenge
Hello Readers,
I love the concept of a “blind date with a book”. I see them often to buy when browsing Etsy but I’m always hesitant as even within the genre’s I love to read, I’m still quite picky about what I like.
So instead of setting specific reading goals for 2023, I’ve decided to do my own version of a “blind date with a book”. I’ve purchased 12 books from my BookShop.org wishlist that I’ve been wanting to read and I decided to ask a family member to wrap and label them ~ one for each month of the year.

Favourite Books of 2022
Hello Readers,
I hope during 2022, you read all the books you wanted and enjoyed every adventure they took you on.
My reading year was a little up and down in regards to loving the books I read, some I loved, some I felt were okay and a couple I didn’t even finish. But I did read the most books I’ve read in a long time and from the 70 books I’ve somehow managed to read this year, I wanted to share my favourites…