December TBR

ID: Graphic with a light blue background with snowflakes on it and the writing December TBR in the middle and a drawing of a book in the bottom right corner.

Hello friends,

Even though I don’t really do monthly TBR’s, I thought I’d give it a go this month as I have a few books that I’d like to read before the end of the year. Looking at the book stack next to me, I feel it might be a bit adventurous but I’m going to do my best and hopefully I’ll read most of them, if not all of them.

I’ve chosen 6 books in total and I’ve broken them down into categories of:

  • Book Club Buddy Read

  • Really Want to Read

  • Hope Hope to to Finish

  • Will Hopefully Start

Okay, lets get into the books:

Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline {Book Club Buddy Read}

This is the newly released sequel to Ready Player One which I’ve just finished a couple of days ago and loved! Ready Player Two is set only a few days after the events of the end of the first book. As this is a sequel, rather than give you the synopsis as it has spoilers for the first book, I’ll tell you a bit about the first book instead:

The story is set in the year 2044 and the world is ruined. The main escape from the world is something called the OASIS and this is where the main character, Wade Watts spends his time. Within this virtual utopia, you can be anything you want and do anything you want. However there’s more to this than meets the eye…

The creator of OASIS has hidden a lottery ticket within it that will give the person who finds it, the ultimate prize! However, the find key to finding the ticket is based on riddles relating to 20th Century Culture.

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett {Really Want to Read}

I got this one a while ago and just haven’t got to it. So December is going to be the month I read this, not only because I feel the subject matter is important but also it’ll be a nice break from all the Sci-Fi books I’ve been picking up recently.

The Vanishing Half follows the story of the Vignes twin sisters, who grow up in a small southern black community in American. As adults they are both living very different lives; One of them still lives in that small town’s black community with her daughter. The other secretly passes for a White women, living with her White husband, who does know his wife is actually Black.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald {Really Want to Read}

While I haven’t had this one on my self for too long, as it’s less than 200 ages, I feel I could probably read this this month along with the other main books I want to read. Plus I’m interested to see how faithful the film adaptation is to the story.

The story is narrated by Nick Carraway who tells the reader about an event that takes place during the summer of 1922 through a series of flashbacks. Through Nick we meet his cousin, Daisy and his mysterious neighbour, Jay Gatsby, who share a history. Gatsby lives with the hope of one day meeting Daisy again at one of the elaborate parties he hosts every night.

ID: A photo of a stack of books {top to bottom} Illuminae, Mansfield Park, I know Why The Caged Bird Sings, The Vanishing Sing and Ready Player Two. There’s also a fox shaped mug with a selection of bookmarks in it.

Illuminae by Amie Kauffman and Jay Kristoff {Will Hopefully Start}

After reading the first two books in The Aurora Cycle series written by these two authors, I decided to pick up the complete Illuminae Files series. All three books have been sat staring at me for a good few months now and I have been itching to get started on the series but I’ve had other books I’ve wanted to read and so had to push these back a little bit. But I’m hoping to at least start this one by the end of December and start off 2021 by reading this series.

This series is what I class as a full on Sci-Fi as it’s set in space in the future. The main characters, Ezra and Kady are on a planet when war breaks out between two mega corporations over the planet itself. As Kady tries to find out what’s going on, she realises she needs Ezra’s help ~ this issue with that is that they broke up before the war started and they’re not speaking to each other.

The book is also classed as mix media, with pretty much all of the story told through interviews, which is something I’ve never some across before in a book. So I’m really looking forward to reading this.

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou {Hope to Finish}

According to Goodreads I started this one at the end of September and I’ve got about 200 pages left to read. So I’m hoping I’ll be able to pick this up in between reads or when I feel like reading during the day ~ I’m a mainly a nighttime reader.

I will say this isn’t the easiest of reads and it’ll definitely depend on my mood as to whether I get more of this read.

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen {Hope to Finish}

Towards the beginning of the year, I set myself the goal to read all of Jane Austen’s novels. I’ve managed to read two of her novels and three of her short stories and I’m currently reading/listening to Mansfield Park.

At the time of writing this I’m 150 pages, with around 200 pages / almost 5 hours to go. I’m enjoying it a lot and as I am listening to it, I’m pretty confident I’ll finish this over the next few days as I’ve been listening to it while I do my daily jobs on my Animal Crossing game.

So there we go, those are the books I’m really hoping to read during December and I’ll be really impressed if I can get through most of them.

If you do a monthly TBR, what are you planning to read in December? Let me know in the comments as I’d love to know.

Stay Safe. Read a Book.

L x


November Wrap Up


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