December Wrap Up

ID: Graphic with a light blue background and the words December Wrap UP written in the middle in white. There are stars, a cup and a book surrounding the writing.

*this post contains affiliate links

Hello friends,

I said in my November wrap up that I would be publishing my December a little earlier than usual just so I can take a break from writing and posting ready to start again in the new year. So here we go, here’s a few things I’ve been enjoying over the past few weeks of December.

Health Update:

At the start of the month I started with a chest infection and I’m still dealing with some symptoms of that though, a cough mainly and I’m regularly waking up with a sore throat, which may be completely M.E related rather than anything else. I’ve also had a lingering cold for the past week or so as well. My body is just feeling pretty exhausted at the moment, so I‘m trying to get as much rest as I can while keeping an eye on my mental health as that’s taken a bit of a dip this last week or two as well. Overall, I’m just feeling a bit disconnected with everything but I’ve survived periods like this before and I’m sure I’ll be myself again soon enough.

Life Update:

Just a really quick life update to let you all know that as you read this, my photography website is now closed for sales. I still have it but it’s now more of a “portfolio” website than a business website. I’m really sad that I’ve had to do this but lack of sales have meant I cannot justify the amount of money it takes each year to keep it open and optimised for sales in the way I want it to be.

If you do see anything on the site that would like to buy, please contact me, letting me know which photo and the gallery it’s in that you’re wanting to purchase and I’ll happily turn the sales feature back on for you.

TV Shows ~ Star Trek Discovery on Netflix

I’ve been a Star Trek since I was a child and have enjoyed almost all of the shows and films within the franchise {I can’t seem to get into the animated series} Though when Discovery was first released I was so sure as it’s a little darker than most other Trek but by the second half of the first season and going into the second, I felt like I was enjoying it more. There’s a few call backs to the original series of Trek and now with the third series out, I’m thoroughly invested and thoroughly enjoying it. There’s a new episode out each week on a Friday in the UK and it’s become my Friday night program to watch!

If you’ve never watched Star Trek before, maybe give one a go. While there are a number of references to past Star Trek and timelines, I feel you could watch this without knowing too much about the Star Trek universe itself.

ID: A mug with a cat wearing glasses on it. The cup is full with hot chocolate, cream and marshmallows.

I know, I know. This has been featured a few times within my more recent articles but I just adore this drink so much! But hear me out: I’ve recently treated myself to The Velvetiser from Hotel Chocolat and wow this machine has made all the difference to making Hot Chocolate! It’s so quick, easy and doesn’t take too much energy to make that I can know make my own drink when I’m home alone and tea just won’t do!

All you do is pour your choice of milk {oat milk for me} into the Velvetiser and then add in your hot chocolate. Place the lid on, press the button and in a couple of minutes it’s done and you have the most smooth and creamy hot chocolate ~ you the kind that you only seem to be able to get from Costa or Starbucks! Definitely recommend getting this if you or someone you know loves Hot Chocolate!


This month I don’t have a specific book to share with you but I’ll tell you want I’ve managed to read so far and what I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish buy the end of the month.

ID: A stack of 3 books, Emma by Jane Austen, the vanishing Half by Brit Bennett and Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

ID: A stack of 3 books, Emma by Jane Austen, the vanishing Half by Brit Bennett and Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline

I read Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline, which I wrote a full review for along with it’s prequel, Ready Player One.

I’ve just finished The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett, which was really interesting and I’m thinking of writing a full review of it in the new year. I also began listening to Emma by Jane Austen and on the day I’m writing this, I’ve finished that as well. It’s been so nice to listen to while I’m playing Animal Crossing in morning or doing other little jobs that I needed to get done. While I adore Pride and Prejudice, I think Emma is in the running for becoming my favourite Austen novel!

I’m loving audiobooks for my Jane Austen reading goal and while I haven’t managed to read them all this year, I only have three left to go. Since I now have a subscription to Audible, I think I’m going to use it for any other classics on my “To Be Read” list as it’s definitely easier to listen to those than read them physically.

So I’m now about to pick up The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and I’m pretty sure I’ll have that finished in a few days as it’s not much over a 100 pages and my brain at the moment seems to be allowing me to read more, which I’m extremely thankful for.

Also on the note of books, I’ll be making my 2021 TBR/Books Read list live on the 1st of January. There’s not too many on there but I have an entire coming year to add to it and you know I will!

So I think that covers everything for this month and with this, I’ve now been doing Wrap Up articles for almost a full year! This idea came out of doing NaNoWriMo last year and I’m so proud of myself for managing to post a Wrap Up for every single month since January!

I’m going to carry on with them into the new year and if there’s anything else you’d like me to write about, please let me know either by leaving a comment or sending me an email via the contact me form.

I’m hoping to have written and scheduled my “Goodbye 2020” article by the end of this week and it’ll hopefully be live next Thursday for you to all read.

Stay Safe.

L x


Goodbye 2020


Ready Player One / Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline ~ Double Book Review