Goodbye 2020

ID: A graphic with a light background and the words “Goodbye 2020” are in black in the centre. There’s also a rainbow underneath the text.

Hello friends,

I think we can all agree that this year has been a difficult one and no matter what your 2020 has looked like, whether the restrictions effected your life in a big way or not really at all {like myself}, you all deserve a medal by surviving it! While the Pandemic isn’t going to magically disappear as soon as it’s the 1st of January 2021 and all restrictions and guidelines still need following, at least 2020 will be over and I think that will be met with feelings of relief for many people.

For myself personally, 2020 definitely has been a year of ups and downs. It didn’t start off great due to being really ill with a chest infection, sore throat and a cold {it seems to be ending the same way!} that just didn’t seem to go away. I didn’t start to feel okayish again until around March {then lockdown happened!} but I feel like whatever virus / infection I picked up has left me with higher exhaustion levels and lower energy levels.

I also had to say goodbye to a couple more things due to my health ~ my beloved little Clio left me and I’ve had to close my photography website to sales. My health just no longer allows me to drive as much as I want to or give the energy needed to promote my photography products as much as I need to and make enough money to cover the cost of having a business tier website.

However, this year was finally the year I was able to sort out a proper website for my writing / blog and it was definitely the best decision I’ve made! I feel taking this step has helped me up my writing and although I’ve struggled to keep my routine going at times, {who hasn’t?} being able to write or update articles via the Squarespace* App has been invaluable. If I get an article idea or need to update my book lists, I can do all that on phone instead of having to grab my MacBook.

Another highlight of this year that I think has kept so many people during this hard year has been Animal Crossing New Horizons and the community surrounding the game. I’m so thankful for the friends I have via the game, especially those that are also apart of the PocketPod Community. It’s through that community that my friend and I started a Bookclub in September, which provides another level of connecting with people each month to just chat about books and anything else we want too ~ we’re a lover of tangents!

So while 2020 has been extremely hard to live through and my mental health definitely has taken a hit numerous times over the last 12 months, there are a number of positives to focus on as well and it’s so important to hold on to them and remember them. So with a year like 2020, it’s very easy to allow the bad to overshadow the good. So if you find yourself reflecting on this year, make sure to remember and celebrate all the good moments that have come out of 2020, no matter how small they are.

Finally, I want to say a massive thank you to you, my dear readers. I greatly appreciate the time and energy you give to reading even just one of my articles, it really makes the effort of writing them worth them. If there’s anything you would like me to write about in the coming year or you want to see me publish more of a certain type of article, please do let me know either in a comment on this article or via email by filling in the form you’ll find when you click “Contact Me”.

I hope your 2020 ended as well as possible and 2021 begins as kindly as possible.

Stay Safe.

L x

*If you’re looking at getting your own website in 2021, Squarespace have given me a code to get 20% off when you purchase a month or yearly website subscription. The code is valid until until Friday 8th January 2021, 11:59pm GMT.

Code: 3NYCJ69X7A

{this isn’t sponsored at all, they just emailed a discount code and I wanted to share.}


Hello 2021


December Wrap Up