Hello 2021

ID: Graphic with pink background and the words Hello 2021 in the middle.

Hello friends,

I decided to take an extra week off writing as last week I was still struggling with a throat infection and some PEM and felt my body needed more rest. But I’m back and feel I’m almost on the right side of all the normal people germs I’ve had over the past month or so. Also, I’ll admit with how 2021 started, with the U.K. going into Lockdown 3.0, I felt I needed the extra week to process that, as although it mostly doesn’t impact my daily life, it does still effect me in other ways and I just felt I needed a moment, so I took it.

With everything going on, I did struggle to know how to even start this piece and what I could even say. I don’t want it to seem like I’m ignoring everything going on but right at the start I said I wanted this to be a safe place for both my readers and for myself. A place to read about other things or to find comfort if you live a life with chronic illness

So, although I have decided to write a piece about being in Lockdown and how the past year has affected me, {writing is my therapy and I need to share some things} this piece isn’t going to be that. It’s just going to be a chatty, ramble about the year ahead…

For any of you who have been reading my blog for a number of years, you will know that I‘m not a “New Year, New Me!” person and this year is no different. I don’t really have plans, I don’t have goals. I’m just taking this year, as I have all the others, one day at a time.

As for this space, I’m enjoying writing the more book related content so I’m going to continue with that while adding in the health related pieces as that’s what this place was originally started for. So I’ll probably try to keep up with the articles alternating each week ~ health piece / non-health piece.

The only article I’m going to alter is the Monthly Wrap Up. Instead of it being a sort of favourites piece, I’m going to make it a “wrap up” of the books I’ve managed to read each month and write mini reviews. It’ll be live on here on the same day as the previous year ~ first Monday of every month.

Don’t worry if you prefer my longer book reviews, I’ll still be doing those for books I feel I want to write more about. But these short reviews might be helpful if you are looking for book recommendations. As although I have my TBR list, all you have on there is titles and authors, so it might be nice if you have a little extra information on the books as I read them to help you know if you’ll find them enjoyable.

As I said above, I don’t really set goals or plans for the year, I generally just have an idea of what this year might hold, things I’d like to accomplish and see what happens really ~ I feel with my health, nothing can be set in stone. One of the things I think I’d like to look into for this year is eventually making a move to being a freelance writer. I need to do research and see how it all works and it’s really just an idea going around my head right now, so we’ll see how it all pans out as 2021 progresses.

Oh while I don’t have it all planned out yet ~ I think some of you will be happy to know that I’ll be doing an Animal Crossing New Horizons Blue Sunday Tea Party again this year! More details will follow when I’ve worked them out and it’s closer to the date of the event but I just wanted to mention it.

Okay, I think I’ll stop there with this before it becomes a really long ramble.

I hope that even with everything going on right now in the world, that you’re all as okay as possible.

Stay Safe.

L x


Bookshop.org Book Haul


Goodbye 2020