November Bookish Wrap Up / December TBR

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Hello friends,

It seems like it’s been a while since I did a Bookish Wrap Up as I missed October ~ I only read Dune that month and I wrote a full review on it here, in case you missed it. November was a quiet reading month as well as I read two books this past month. So instead of this being a really short wrap up, I thought I’d include my December TBR at the end.

So let’s get into the books…

Manic Man by Jason Wegner

The first book I read during November was Manic Man and as I have already written a full review on this book here, I won’t tell you anymore and just encourage you to read that review instead.

A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine

This is the second book to An Empire Called Memory, which I read in September. If you want to know the general gist of the story, you can read my wrap up on that book here.

As this is the finale to the story, I won’t go into detail on the plot of this book as it will spoil the end of the first book. But I will say that this book and the conclusion of this two book series does not disappoint!

The universe gets even bigger and adds in more players to the political games that started in the first book. Arkady Martine’s writing just gets better in this book, her world building and descriptions really helped me feel completely immersed in the story every time I picked this book up! As I got closer to the end, I was really struggling to put it down and had a couple late nights as I just needed to know what happened next!

I’d definitely recommend this series if you enjoy Proper Sci-Fi but are wanting something a little different from the usual tropes included in most books under that genre.

December TBR

So let me tell you about the books I’m hoping to read during this month:

Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson

This is the third book in the Skyward Series so I won’t go into the plot of this one as it’ll spoil the first two books. I read the first book, Skyward back in June, so if you want to know the general plot of the first book and my thoughts, you can read that here in my June Wrap Up. I started Cytonic last night and I’m already near the 100 page mark! I just love this series so much and so far this book has not disappointed; Spensa is definitely one of my all time favourite characters.

Aurora’s End by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

This is the final book in The Aurora Cycle series. I read the first book, Aurora Rising back in the November 2019 and the second one, Aurora Burning, August last year. I’ve scoured my Wrap Ups and my Instagram and I have never written a proper review for either of these books. So I’ll give a general idea of the plot for the first book:

The story follows Tyler Jones and his flight crew of “misfits”. In the beginning of the book, Tyler rescues a girl named Aurora from two centuries of cryo-sleep. As the story progresses, Aurora becomes the catalyst that starts a war and it’s up to Tyler and his crew to figure out not only what’s going, who Aurora is but also how to save the galaxy!

While this series is definitely on the younger end of YA Sci-Fi and I find the dialogue a bit cringy at times, I do find the plot intriguing enough to want to carry the story. I just want to know how it all ends and I’m hoping to pick up Aurora’s End soon.

Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers

This is the third book in the Wayfarers series, the first being A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, which I read back in June of this year. I then read the second book, A Closed and Common Orbit in August. As these books aren’t exactly continuations of each other, I wrapped the first one here and the second one here.

This third book seems to follows another group of characters, including the sister of one of the characters in the first book. That’s pretty much all I know about it but I’m expecting more of Becky Chambers’ beautiful writing style and another quiet Sci-fi story that’s again more character based than plot or action focused. Which will be a nice break from the heavy action of the other two books I’m going to be reading.

So those were the books I read during November and the books I’m hoping to read during December.

Have you picked up any of the books I’ve mentioned? I’d love to know your thoughts if you have. Also let me know what you’re hoping to read this month, I’m always looking for recommendations.

Safe Stay. Read a Book.

L x


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Manic Man by Jason Wegner {Book Tour Book Review}