July Wrap Up

ID: A graphic with a pink background and the words July Wrap Up on it.

Hello Friends!

It’s that time again and I know I probably I say this each month, but it does feel like only last week when I was putting together my June one. I’m not complaining about how quick the Summer months are passing by as the sooner we get to Autumn, the better! I hope July was a lovely month for you all, despite everything going on in the world right now.

I’ve haven’t got too much to share as I tend to use or watch or play the same things each month. But I do have a couple things I wanted to share.

Health Update:

As always let’s start off with a little health update, though I don’t feel like I’ve got anything extra to share this month as I’m pretty much the same as June. I’ve had moments where my allergies have been causing some issues and I’ve had to deal with a higher heart rate due my body disliking the warmer weather we had for a couple days. I ended up sleeping in the lounge as my room was simply too warm. My sleep has also been a bit up and down but I tend to go through cycles of pretty decent sleep to weeks of struggling to sleep for a good few days each week. So I’m just dealing with it and not worrying about it as the more I stress about it, the more my sleep will be affected.

Book ~ Quiet Girl in a Noisy World by Debbie Tung

Thanks to joining in the Reading Rush for the last week of July, I managed to read a total of four books in July. Since I wrote and published my review of slay by Brittney Morris last week and the other two books were re-reads, I thought I’d tell you about the Graphic Novel, “Quiet Girl in a Noisy World”

ID: the book Quiet Girl in a Noisy world by Debbie Tung next to a jar with fairy lights in it.

It follows Debbie herself and her experience as an introvert going through University, meeting her boyfriend, getting married, graduating and then fining a job. It really highlights what a struggle life can be for someone as an Introvert and I felt so understood while reading this graphic novel. So if you want to feel understood as an Introvert or you want to understand the Introvert in your life, then it might be worth picking up this book.

Debbie Tung also has two other books, one of which was published earlier this year all about Books and it’s currently sat on the Waterstones Wishlist.

App ~ Snapseed

I think the past I may have mentioned this App on my old Photography Blog and on my Social Media but I wanted to share it within this Month’s Wrap Up as I will never stop loving or using this App.

Snapseed is a free photography editing App made my Google. Many moons ago Google made another editing program called Picasa and it was so good and very easy to use. It was for Desktop PC’s and I used it to create all the thumbnails for my YouTube videos when I was able to make them. But as time went on and Apps and smart phones became a thing, Picasa was retired and Snapseed was made in its place.

Of course if you want to make very extensive changes to your images then Lightroom or PhotoShop are probably of more use to you. However, I find Snapseed fits my editing needs perfectly as there’s still a lot of tools at your disposal. I use this App to edit all of the Photographs I capture using my DSLR and it does a great job. Though I will say, I am a “get it right in Camera” type photographer, so I don’t make photos for fun thinking I’ll fix them in post. If that’s the type of photographer you then this might not be for you.

As well as plenty of editing tools and filters to choose from, Snapseed also allows you to add text to your images, which isn’t something every editing program or App allows. I use this feature mainly for my Louise’s Little Life Instagram and my blog images.

So if you’re wanting a nice, easy to use App to help tweak your photographs or add text, then Snapseed might be worth trying out.

Beauty Product ~ Grapeseed Glossing Serum by The Body Shop

I feel like for a long time this product has been The Body Shop’s best kept secret! I started using it when I wanted a more natural product to use daily to help make my hair a bit more managable. I remember being at a Body Shop at Home Party and the person doing the party had no idea about this product and it wasn’t in the catalogue! I couldn’t believe it as I’ve used it for so long and it’s just so good!

My hair is fluffy and wavy in it’s natural state and often doesn’t cooperate with me, but this serum helps to smooth the fluff down quite a bit and allows me to put it up when I want/need it out of my way {which is daily to be honest}

ID: A bottle of Grapeseed Glossing Serum.

Now my hair is no longer half way down my back, {see June’s Wrap Up for details} I’ve found this serum even more invaluable. It can be used on wet or dry hair, so I often use it after I’ve washed my hair and found it helps with the frizz and fluff that happens while my hair is drying naturally {I never use a hair drier} and then the next day, when I want to do my hair, I’ll just run a little bit more through it to help calm it down even more and this makes it a little easier to put back.

Like all Body Shop products, you don’t need much, when my hair was really long, I found 3 or 4 pumps was plenty and now its short, 2 seems to be enough, so even though the bottle is small, you’ll last you for quite a while.

Though I will say you may need to be careful not to use too much as it might make your hair feel a bit greasy, especially on my roots. I’ve found its best to use a little bit and add an extra pump after if you feel your hair needs it.

So if you’re looking for a more natural hair serum to help with any frizz, fluffy or annoying wispy bits of hair, then maybe get this a try. {obviously check all the ingredients before use to make sure you’re not allergic to anything}

Well there we go, just a few of my favourite things this past Month. I know it’s not a lot but I find I use the same products or watch the same TV Shows quite regularly. But know that the things I mention in these Wrap Up’s are definitely things that I love and use often.

I hope you’re all as well as possible and are staying safe. I also want to say that just because shielding restrictions have now been lifted in the UK, it doesn't mean you have to go out of your house or have visitors if you don’t feel safe. {if you were able to before COVID-19 happened} Only you know your own health and only you know what is safe for you to do.

Personally, I was housebound {my only outings either appointments or a drive out with my mum in the car if well enough} before all this started and rarely well enough to have visitors, so I am continuing to shield and take all the precautions {something I’ve always had to do to avoid colds and other viruses, thanks to my Immune System not working properly} because this virus has not gone away just because the pubs need to be open and people want to go out.

I’m going to stop there before this Wrap Up turns into a Rant Up!

Stay Safe. Wear A Mask!

L x


Book Haul #3


Slay by Brittney Morris ~ Book Review