Book Haul #3

Hello Friends!

I recently purchased a few more books from Waterstones and I thought I’d share them with you in case you’re looking for something new to read or fancy adding more books to ever growing “To Be Read”list!

Most of these have been on my Wishlist for a little while and though one of them is “out of my comfort zone, want to broaden my reading horizons”.

So here’s want I'm adding to be very long To Be Read list:

Book Love by Debbie Tung

ID: a picture of a book with a illustration of a girl surrounded by books.

This is the latest comic bind up by Debbie Tung. I recently read and loved “A Quiet Girl in a Noisy World” and I didn’t want to leave this one on my Wishlist any longer.

This one celebrates all things Books and reading and I’m really looking forward to reading it soon.

Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott with Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis

ID: A picture of a book with blue cover and a drawing of a pair of lungs made up of flowers.

It’s not often that I watch the film before the reading the book but I ended up watching Five Feet Apart on Netflix and enjoyed it. So I added the book to my Wishlist and now I need to find somewhere for it on my bookshelf.

Five Feet Apart follows Stella and Will, both of whom have Cystic Fibrosis and therefore have to stay six feet apart from each other. While Stella is trying hard to control everything related to her illness and her treatment in the hopes of receiving a lung transplant, Will seems to be counting the days until he turns 18 and can sign himself out of hospital. They seem just what each other need but they can’t get closer than six feet.

I feel like if you enjoyed John Green’s The Fault in our Stars, then you might like this one as that’s what the film reminded me of. I’m looking forward to getting to this one soon as well.

The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

ID: A book with a white and blue cover with a sphere with eyes on the cover.

As I lover of the Sci-Fi genre, I felt I really should have read this book by now. In my defence, its another that has been on my Wishlist for a very, very, very long time. This edition is all five books in one, plus an author introduction, a bonus short story and a special “undeleted scene”

For anyone who hasn’t heard of this book, it follows Arthur Dent, who has had his house demolished when Earth is demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. The other four books continue to follow Arthur’s adventures through the Galaxy. These bind up sounds like its going to be a lot of fun to read and I think I’ll be saving it to use as a pick me up when some of my other books have emotionally ruined me!

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

ID: A book with a multicoloured cover featuring shapes that make up the silhouette of two women.

This book has been everywhere recently and I’m not ashamed to jump on the bang wagon by adding it to my TBR as it sounds really interesting.

It follows the story of the Vignes twin sisters, who grow up in a small southern black community in American. As adults they are both living very different lives; One of them still lives in that small town black commuting with her daughter. The other secretly passes for a White women, living with her White husband, who does know his wife is actually Black.

From the synopsis, the book follows these two generations from the 1950s to the 1990s. I have a feeling this one is not only going to be a really interesting discussion on race and the differences between how White and Black live and are treated. I also think this might be one that I’ll need to read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy after!

The Odyssey by homer, translated by Emily Wilson

ID: A book with a white cover and three greek ladies along the top.

As I’ve said previously, I’m trying to broaden my choice of books to read and I’ve seen this one recommended by a couple of BookTubers that I watch and the fact that this edition is the first translated by a woman, really won me over! So I thought I’d give it a go, as although I really enjoy History, I’ve never really read any Historical Fiction.

The Odyssey is a poem about war, wealth, poverty and power; about marriage, identity and family; travellers, hospitality and what home means in a strange world.

I know I’ve said this for all these books, but I’m looking forward to getting to this one as it’s definitely not something I pick up often.

So there we go, five more books to add to my ever growing collection. I’m sure there will be reviews of all of them either on here or over on my Instagram, once I’ve read them.

If you have any books you’ve read recently that you think I’d like, please do leave them in a comment below.

Stay Safe. Read a Book.

L x


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