July Bookish Wrap Up

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ID: Graphic with a grey background. The words Julu Bookish Wrap Up are in the centre and surrounding them is a picture of some books, a cup of tea and some gold stars

Hello friends,

Don’t panic, it’s not the beginning of August yet. I’ve just decided to publish my July Wrap Up a week early as I have a book tour book review {details below} that needs to be published in the first of August and instead of trying to deal with two articles in one week, I thought I’d just move up my Wrap Up.

So let’s get straight into the books shall we?

Wildcard by Marie Lu

Since was the first book I finished in July I wanted to note it in this Wrap Up but I’m not going to go into detail about it or share my thoughts. I wrote a full review on this book plus its prequel a couple of weeks ago, so if you’d like to read about it, you can do so by clicking here.

Starsight by Brandon Sanderson

Starsight is the second book in the Skyward Series, so I won’t go into too much detail on this book as I don’t want to spoil anything from the first one. If you’d like to know more about Skyward, you can read about it in my June Wrap Up.

ID: The book Starsight by Brandon Sanderson. It has a black and grey coloured cover, with a woman stood with her back to the viewer on it and unsual rock like structures in the sky.

As far as second books in a series go, Starsight didn’t disappoint. It picks up not long after the events at the end of Skyward and there’s action from the get go to keep you reading and makes this book so difficult to put down. The story is developed well and it was great to see Spensa grow more as a character when she’s thrown into unfamiliar surroundings. M-Bot and doomslug are ever present, along with many from the first book and some really interesting new characters.

Sanderson’s world and universe building is absolutely wonderful and really helps you imagine the ever growing Skyward Universe and the people that live in it.

The third instalment in this series, entitled Cytonic, is being published later this year and I’ve pre-ordered it as I can’t wait to continue this series, especially since Starsight ends on a big cliffhanger!

No Number Nine by F.J Campbell

I’m happy to let you know that I’m taking part in the virtual book tour for No Number Nine and as such, I won’t be sharing my thoughts on this one in this wrap up. My full review will be published on Thursday the 5th of August, so keep an eye out for that.

But to hopefully perk your interested, I’ll tell you the blurb from the back of the book:

“What do you do when your amazing, beloved sister dies?

Hide in your room for two years. Sleep with a very, very wrong man. Leave home and start a new life, lying to everyone you meet including your kind employer, your curious friends and the man you love?

Pip Mitchell’s an expert at making seriously bad decisions. But when her past, present and future collide at the Sydney Olympic Games, she’s going to have to decide whose side she’s on - or she’ll lose everyone she loves.”

ID: The virtual book tour details for No number Nine by F.J Campbell.

Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth {audiobook}

I have gushed about the Carve The Mark series many, many times, so I’m not going to go into what it’s about or my thoughts on it. But I decided a little while ago to get the audiobook for both books in this series and I listened to first one this month and I’m part way through the second book, The Fates Divide.

The audiobook is just wonderful. The narrators playing Akos and Cyra are just perfect and it’s so nice to finally know how to pronounce certain planet and character names within this series… I’ve definitely been saying some of them incorrectly. It’s also a nice audiobook to listen to as there’s no distracting music or sound effects, just the narrators, playing their parts, reading the book to you. So if you’ve thought about picking this one up but don’t necessarily want to read the physical books, then I highly recommend the audiobooks.

So those are the books I’ve managed to read so far during July. I’m currently reading A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers, which is the second book in the Wayfarer Series. Even though I'll finish it by the end of July, I’ll share my thoughts and more about it during my August Wrap Up.

Have you read of these books I’ve mentioned? If so, I’d love to know your thoughts on them. I’d also love to know what you’re currently reading.

Stay Safe. Read a Book.

L x


No Number Nine by F.J Campbell {book tour book review}


Photographs and Souvenirs