Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree | Blind Date Book Review
Blind Date Book Louise Shepherd Blind Date Book Louise Shepherd

Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree | Blind Date Book Review

Hello Readers,

After giving it some thought, I’ve decided that rather than do a full monthly wrap here of all the books I’ve read, I’m going to write a full review of the Blind Date Books I’ll be reading throughout the year. That way I can share my thoughts thoroughly on one book rather than trying to cram in numerous reviews into one post for you.

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Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn? by Carole Smith | Book Tour Review
Louise Shepherd Louise Shepherd

Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn? by Carole Smith | Book Tour Review

Hello Readers,

It’s my turn on the Book Tour for Have You Seen The New Forest Unicorn? a beautiful children’s book written by Carole Smith. The tour started on the 15th of July and runs to the 8th of August, so if you’re interested in following the tour and reading the other reviews, then you can find all the details at the end of this review.

As usual, before I share my thoughts, let me tell you the synopsis from the back of the book:

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Book Review | Bobby and Bubba’s Small Adventures by Anthony Coombs
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

Book Review | Bobby and Bubba’s Small Adventures by Anthony Coombs

Hello Readers,

I was very kindly gifted a couple of copies of Anthony Coombs’ short story collection, Bobby and Bubba’s Small Adventures by the lovely people at Literally PR and so I’m here to share not only my thoughts on the book but also that of a couple of my family members. But before I get into the review, let me tell you a little about the book and the author from the PR page:

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The Weights We Carry C. D Seventeen | Book Tour Review
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

The Weights We Carry C. D Seventeen | Book Tour Review

Hello Readers,

It’s my turn on the Book Tour for C. D. Seventeen’s poetry collection, The Weights We Carry. The tour began on the 10th of April and ends on the 1st of May, and if you’d like to find out what the other tour participants thought, you can find all the details at the end of this article.

As usual, before I get into my thoughts let me tell you a little bit about this book, how it came to be and about the author:

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Bloodlines by Chris Bishop | Book Tour Review
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

Bloodlines by Chris Bishop | Book Tour Review

Hello Readers,

It’s my turn on the Book Tour for Chris Bishop’s book, Bloodlines. If you’re interested in following the tour and reading the other reviews, then you can find all the details and names of the other reviewers at the end of this review.

Before I tell you my thoughts on the book, let me tell you the synopsis so you know what the book is about:

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The Logos Prophecy by Martin Treanor | Book Tour Review
Louise Shepherd Louise Shepherd

The Logos Prophecy by Martin Treanor | Book Tour Review

Hello Readers,

It’s my turn today on the book tour for Martin Treanor’s The Logos Prophecy. The tour started on the 26th of January and runs to the 15th of February and if you’d like to read the other participants reviews, then you can find all the details at the end of this article.

But before I tell you my thoughts on the book, let me share the synopsis from the back of the book, so you know what The Logos Prophecy is about.

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The Slow Lane Walkers Club by Rosa Temple {Book Tour Review}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

The Slow Lane Walkers Club by Rosa Temple {Book Tour Review}

Hello Readers,

It’s my turn today on the book tour for Rosa Temple’s The Slow Lane Walkers Club. I’ll list all the details of the tour at the end of this review in case you’d like to read what everyone else on the tour thought of this book.

But as always, before I share my thoughts on the book, let me tell you what it’s about…

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June Bookish Wrap Up
Monthly Wrap Up Louise Shepherd Monthly Wrap Up Louise Shepherd

June Bookish Wrap Up

Hello Readers,

I just don’t know where the months seem to be going because it feels like it wasn’t that long ago when I sat down to write my May Wrap Up!

Compared to last month, I didn’t read as much but I did pick up one of the chonkier {it’s a word} books on my TBR and read that this month, so that’s like reading two of three “normal” length books as it’s just over 600 pages. So without further ado, let me tell you about the books I’ve managed to read during June…

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The Library Book by Susan Orlean {Book Review}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

The Library Book by Susan Orlean {Book Review}

Hello Readers,

The Library Book by Susan Orlean was my book clubs Buddy Read Book for May and I enjoyed it so much that I thought I’d write a full review for it as I think some you might find it interesting too…

…the title caught my attention and then the synopsis hooked me in because, as with many readers, frequent visits to my local library is where my love of books and reading comes from…

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I Never Wanted a Pub… by Celia Bannister {Book Review}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

I Never Wanted a Pub… by Celia Bannister {Book Review}

Hello Readers,

The book I want to tell you about today is quite a special one as the author, Celia Bannister, is actually my great-aunt on my dad’s side of the family {my grandad’s sister}. My parents were sent an advanced copy of the book, which I was very kindly allowed to read first, since I am the avid reader in the family. So I thought it would be nice to write a dedicated review for it as I enjoyed the book so much…

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Felix Unbound by Cathy Gunn {Book Tour Review}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

Felix Unbound by Cathy Gunn {Book Tour Review}

Hello Readers,

It’s my turn on the Virtual Book tour for Cathy Gunn’s Felix Unbound and I’m looking forward to telling you more about this book and my thoughts on it. The actual Book Tour started on the 16th and you can find all the details for it at the end of this article, if you’d like to know more and read the other reviewers thoughts.

But, now let me tell you more about Felix Unbound by firstly sharing the synopsis from the back of the book before I get into my thoughts…

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March Bookish Wrap Up
Monthly Wrap Up, Books Louise Shepherd Monthly Wrap Up, Books Louise Shepherd

March Bookish Wrap Up

Hello Readers,

I know I’m a week late with this wrap up but things have been a little everywhere over these past few weeks. But I’m hoping things are finally starting to settle down and my normal writing schedule will be back in the next week or so.

Okay, let’s review all the books I’ve managed to read during March shall we?

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The House Plant by Jeremy Ray {Short Story Review}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

The House Plant by Jeremy Ray {Short Story Review}

Hello Friends,

When Indie Author, Jeremy Ray, reached out to me on Instagram sharing the synopsis of a couple his stories and asking if I’d be interested in an ARC of one of them ~ of course I said yes because firstly, I’m always happy to support Indie Authors in any way I can and secondly the synopsis of The Houseplant just piqued my interested so much that I knew I had to read it.

So here’s the synopsis for you…

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February Bookish Wrap Up
Monthly Wrap Up Louise Shepherd Monthly Wrap Up Louise Shepherd

February Bookish Wrap Up

Hello Readers,

I hope your February went as well as possible. I know there’s a lot going on in the world right now and I feel like a wrap up of the books I’ve read during the past month seems really insignificant compared to the everything. But as always, I want my little space on the Internet to be a safe, cosy place that you can come to for a little bit of a breather and hopefully find a new book to escape into when the world gets too much for you. I just really hope you’re all taking care and keeping safe.

As for this month regards to reading, I started four books, DNF’d one of them and finished the other three. So without further ado, let me tell you about them…

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January Bookish Wrap Up
Monthly Wrap Up Louise Shepherd Monthly Wrap Up Louise Shepherd

January Bookish Wrap Up

Hello Readers and Happy February!

I hope you’ve read some lovely books this past month. I’ve personally had a good reading month and I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve read and my thoughts on them with you.

I’ve managed to read 8 books this month, so let’s get straight into them shall we?

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Hope and Learning, Our Journey with Schizophrenia by Linda Snow-Griffin {Author Guest Post}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

Hope and Learning, Our Journey with Schizophrenia by Linda Snow-Griffin {Author Guest Post}

Hello Readers,

Today I have a special Author Guest post from Linda Snow-Griffin, the author of Hope and Learning, Our Journey with Schizophrenia. There is a Virtual Book Tour for the book currently being held {all the details at the end of this article} and I hope you find this article interesting and consider picking up this book.

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The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson {Book Review}
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson {Book Review}

Hello friends,

Have you ever begun reading the first book in a series and within a few chapters, just known that it was going to become one of your new favourite series of all time? That’s how I felt when I decided to dive head first into Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn Saga!

…the Mistborn world is wonderfully epic, extensive and emotional. But before I begin to ramble about all the ways in which these books broke me, let me give you the synopsis of the first book:

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This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada ~ Book Review
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada ~ Book Review

Hello friends,

Last week I reposted my review of the first two books in the This Mortal Coil series by Emily Suvada and today I’m sharing my review on the final book. Just a reminder that if you’re thinking of picking up this series, it does feature quite heavily a deadly virus that’s spreading throughout the world. Some of you might find that difficult reading while we’re living through a pandemic.

But if you’re someone who doesn't mind reading about that durigin this time, then this might be the series for you.

So let’s get into the review…

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This Mortal Coil / This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada ~ Double Book Review
Books Louise Shepherd Books Louise Shepherd

This Mortal Coil / This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada ~ Double Book Review

Hello friends,

I was struggling to think of what to write about for this week and then I remembered I had a couple of book reviews I wanted to repost from my blog before I moved it over to this space. So for this week and next week, I’ll be re-sharing my reviews for the This Mortal Coil Series by Emily Suvada. This week, is my review for the first two books and then next week, I’ll share my review of the final book in the series…

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