ACNH Blue Sunday 2022
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

ACNH Blue Sunday 2022

This year I held my third annual ACNH Blue Sunday Tea Party and as with the previous years, it was so lovely to spend a little time with people on my island. The first two parties where held on my island of Hessa, with a little person of me hosting the party. But Hessa is so well established now and is exactly how I want it, that to host the tea party there this year would have meant a complete overhauling an area of the island. Thankfully, I had just reset another island I have, which I use as a “designing island” and so I incorporated a Blue Sunday Tea Party area into the design and decided that the party would be hosted my new character, Rue on her island of Cedar Cove…

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World M.E Day
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

World M.E Day

Hello Friends,

Today is World M.E Day and to help people understand what M.E or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis actually is, I thought I’d publish an article giving you an overview of the disease. I felt this was especially important since there’s been so much in the media about Long Covid ~ which is remarkably similar to M.E and some with people with Long Covid are now being diagnosed with M.E…

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Photography and My Health
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Photography and My Health

I think that is one of the things I love about Photography: it can be adapted to your given situation. You can make it work for you. Due to the limits on my energy supplies, I try to make every hit of the shutter button count. I take my time and really think about how I want the image to look and always try to get it right in camera rather than capturing anything and relying on editing afterwards.

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Loneliness and M.E
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Loneliness and M.E

By nature we are all different, some of us find it easier to make friends than others, it's just the way we're wired & there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, when you factor in a chronic illness like M.E, making friends & socialising becomes even more difficult. There are many factors as to why but I'm just going to highlight a few of the main ones:

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Shopping and M.E
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Shopping and M.E

Like going to the shops, some people love shopping online {even if they're able to go the shops, it's just easier} and others hate it. I remember talking to someone about this and they said that they don't like shopping online, they'd much rather go to the shops when they need something. My response was simply, "I have no choice but to shop online". You see shopping with M.E, or indeed any chronic illness has a lot of difficulties. Let me explain....

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Blue Sunday 2021 ~ ACNH
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Blue Sunday 2021 ~ ACNH

Sunday the 16th of May was my friend Anna’s Blue Sunday Tea Party for M.E and since I had so much fun last year hosting a the first Animal Crossing Blue Sunday Event, I decided to bring it back this year.

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Gastrointestinal Issues and M.E
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Gastrointestinal Issues and M.E

Of all the symptoms that come with having M.E, I feel like exhaustion is the most commonly known one, with maybe pain and cognitive issues coming in next. What people may not be aware of is that there are so many more symptoms that we experience. Some of these symptoms I personally don't really talk about but I thought today, I would highlight some of the lesser know symptoms related to Gastrointestinal Issues that many with M.E experience.

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Post-Exertional Malaise and M.E
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Post-Exertional Malaise and M.E

For my next M.E Awareness article, I thought I’d highlight one of the key symptoms of M.E ~ Post-Exertional Malaise or PEM. Some of you may be very familiar with this term and some of you may have never heard it before, and if you fall in the latter group, hopefully you’ll find this article informative and give you a little bit of insight into the symptom of M.E.

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Plan. Pace. Rest ~ Managing M.E
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Plan. Pace. Rest ~ Managing M.E

I know pacing & planning can seem a little daunting & feels like a lot of work! However, it is such a beneficial factor to managing your M.E symptoms, that learning how to do it, really is worth it & will help you in the long run.

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What is M.E?
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

What is M.E?

I thought I’d start this month’s M.E Awareness articles by talking about what M.E or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis actually is. I know many of you who read my articles actually have M.E, but there may be some of you who don’t and so maybe don’t know what it is. Also, there may be some of you reading this that are newly diagnosed with M.E and are looking for information. I hope this article is of use to you as well.

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M.E Awareness Month 2021
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

M.E Awareness Month 2021

May is here and that means it’s M.E Awareness Month!

If you’ve been reading my blog and articles for a while, you know this month is a time when I focus solely on raising awareness for M.E and all my articles for this month will be centred around that. As well as a few new articles, I’ve also decided to re-post a few articles I wrote last year and the year before that I had published on my old blog site. So my plan is to publish a new article every Monday and Friday ~ health allowing of course.

Here’s a couple other things I have coming up this month:

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A Girl In One Room by Jessica Taylor-Bearman ~ Book Review
Books, M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd Books, M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

A Girl In One Room by Jessica Taylor-Bearman ~ Book Review

If you’ve been reading my articles for a while then you’ll know I love to write book reviews. I enjoy telling you all about the books I’ve been reading and my thoughts on them. But sometimes I come across a book that makes such a huge impact on me, that I find myself struggling to put my thoughts into words - in a good way. A Girl In One Room by Jessica Taylor-Beaman is one such book! But I’m going to do my best to tell you all about this book and my thoughts because Jessica’s story is an important one and the more people that read it, the better.

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My Bed and M.E
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

My Bed and M.E

This month is National Bed Month and like many chronically ill people, especially those with Moderate/Severe M.E, my bed is very important to me. So I thought I’d tell you bit about why that is and what I feel are some of the important factors in ensure you bed is a cosy a haven as possible.

Since becoming seriously ill, my bed isn’t just the place I sleep anymore as I spend at least 3 days out of 7 each week in it resting. So my bed, and by extension my bedroom, has become a lounge, a dining room, an office/study, a library and at times even a kitchen!

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Your Lockdown ~ My Life
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Your Lockdown ~ My Life

All these restrictions being put on your freedom to go out and do what you want, to live your life, for a housebound person those restrictions are being placed on them, not by the government of the country they live in, but by their health and their bodies ~ both are out of everybody’s control. So in short, your lockdown is effectively my everyday life and has been for a number of years.

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Can You See M.E?
M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd M.E Awareness Louise Shepherd

Can You See M.E?

This week is Invisible Disabilities Week {18th-24th October 2020} and since I live with not one but two invisible illnesses, I thought I’d take the opportunity to highlight this week. I’ll mainly be focusing on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or M.E, though some of the things I’m going to highlight are also experienced by people with many other invisible illnesses.

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