Gastrointestinal Issues and M.E

ID: A graphic with a light blue background and the words Gastrointestinal Issues and M.E written in white in the middle. There is a star in the top right and bottom left corners and a Blue Awareness Ribbon in the bottom right corner.

Hello friends,

Of all the symptoms that come with having M.E, I feel like exhaustion is the most commonly known one, with maybe pain and cognitive issues coming in next. What people may not be aware of is that there are so many more symptoms that we experience. Some of these symptoms I personally don't really talk about but I thought today, I would highlight some of the lesser know symptoms related to Gastrointestinal Issues that many with M.E experience.

I'll also share the odd thing that helps me to ease these symptoms, but of course you should check with your Doctor if you're experiencing any of these symptoms as they are often associated with other conditions, such as Coeliac Disease and Irritable Bowel Disease.

*Some of the information in this article is sourced from the A-Z of Symptoms Management leaflet from the M.E Association*

Irritable Bowel Symptoms:


  • Bloating

  • Stomach Pains

  • Cramps

  • Diarrhoea

  • Constipation

The main symptoms from this list above that I experience are Bloating, Stomach Pains and Cramps. While I don't experience these on a daily basis, I do experience them on a weekly basis  - maybe 2 or 3 times and one day I can eat something and be completely fine but then eat the same thing the next day and end up bloated, with stomach pains. *I do have food allergies/intolerance but I'll talk about them below*

Helpful Remedies:

When I experience Stomach Pains or Cramps, the main thing that I find really helps, is my hot water bottle. As with all the other pain I have, I find the heat really helps to soothe my stomach and after a little while, the pain or cramps subside.

If I'm struggling with Bloating, again I'll reach for my hot water bottle but I'll also usually take a Rennie Deflatine {other stomach relief remedies are available} and after about 30 minutes, the bloating isn't as bad.

Nausea and Sickness:


  • Upset stomach

  • Lack of Appetite

  • Vomitting

Over the years of having M.E I have experienced all these symptoms and continue to do so. I find I feel Nauseous / have an upset stomach most days which then has the knock on affect on my appetite. Some days, I find I can live with it, so to speak, as although I'm feeling sickly, I find I can still eat okay when I need to. Then on other days, it's at a level that makes me struggle to eat and then this can also lead to me being physical sick after eating.

Helpful Remedies:

On the days when the Nausea and sickness is just too much, I will usually take a medication I have been prescribed, Prochlorperazine/Stematol. The only downside to this medication is that you have to eat to take it, but I usually just have a plain biscuit or cracker {something easy on the stomach} with it to not upset my stomach further.

On the food/drink side of dealing with an upset stomach, I tend to stick to lighter meals, like toast or cereal as while this doesn't ease it in anyway, it certainly doesn't worsen it and it means I can at least eat so I can take my medication for the day.  I've also found that Peppermint Tea helps a lot to ease my stomach as well. I know some people find Ginger can also help stomach issues, but personally, Ginger makes me feel sicker - so find something that works for you.

Another thing that I've found helpful over the years, is to eat little and often. I've never been much of a snacker but I've found having smaller meals for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and then added in a small snack at around 10:30-11am and again at around 2:30-3pm has helped keep my stomach a little happier.

Food Allergies / Intolerances:

Okay this could be an article topic all of its own, so I'm not going to go into too much detail. However, I did want to mention this as it can contribute to having stomach issues, especially if it's more of an intolerance than an allergy. M.E can often make you more sensitive to foods that you've never had problems with before, so it's something to think about if you're having stomach issues, especially after eating certain foods.

Obviously allergy/intolerance tests need doing by a Doctor to confirm anything that could be causing any symptoms you may be having after eating certain foods. But I personally found I would feel sickly and bloated after having anything containing Gluten. So I became Gluten Free over a couple of years ago and while I still experience bloating weekly, it's definitely not as bad as when I was eating Gluten, as I would be quite badly bloated daily at one point.

I am also Lactose Intolerant and I have been since I was a Teenager. When I began to notice I would feel sick after having anything with milk in it and my Eczema would flare quite badly, my Doctor at the time advised me to become Dairy Free. Over the years, I managed to learn my "Dairy Limit" {as there weren't the options we have now} However, when I went Gluten Free, I also decided to become completely Dairy Free and my stomach has been much better for it. My body has also had a love / hate relationship with Eggs over the years, as they would often trigger an Eczema flare and make me feel sick as well. So when I became Gluten and Dairy free, I became Egg Free as well. I also have other intolerances and allergies but I’m going into those ~ the ones I’ve mentioned are the ones that cause me the most problems.

So those are the main symptoms that come under the Gastrointestinal umbrella. I really hope this has given a little insight into another host of symptoms that people with M.E experience and if you're reading this and have M.E, I hope this has given you somethings to think about if you're struggling with any of these issues and are trying to find things to help.

I think my final bit of advise I could give if you are concerned about these issues, is as I said before, to speak to your Doctor but to also keep a Food Diary and note any symptoms you experience after each time you eat. This will help your Doctor to hopefully figure out what's going on and maybe suggest something that could help.

Stay Safe.

L x


Blue Sunday 2021 ~ ACNH


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