M.E Awareness Month 2021 Wrap Up

ID: A graphic with a light blue background and the words M.E Awareness Month Wrap Up written in white in the middle. There is a star in the top right and bottom left corners and a Blue Awareness Ribbon in the bottom right corner.

Hello friends,

This is a very impromptu post but I felt I should do a little wrap up of sorts on M.E Awareness Month before my regular posting schedule of once a week returns.

Over the course of May, I managed to post an M.E Awareness article on varying subjects twice a week and I’m so proud of accomplishing that. Yes okay most of those articles were pre-written from previous years but there was still some editing and image making to be done before they could be published.

Along side those articles, I was doing the #GoBlue4ME via one of my Animal Crossing New Horizons {ACNH} characters and was posting a picture everyday to my gaming Instagram and sharing it on the stories of my main Instagram account as well ~ again there was a bit work involved behind the scenes to ensure I managed this every day. I don’t think some people realise how exhausting creating social media posts can be when you’re already operating on very low energy reserves. Also in ACNH, I held my annual Blue Sunday Tea Party and spent a week slowly setting up my island of Hessa for that event.

While I shared pictures of my ACNH Blue Sunday Tea Party Events in the article I wrote about it, I was planning to post a full piece show casing all of my blue outfits. However, knowing how much energy this would take and knowing by the end of the month how little I would have left, I decided against this and opted to create a little slideshow video instead. The video includes all 31 of my blue outfits plus pictures of my Blue Sunday Events. I’ve posted the video as an IGTV to both my Instagram accounts and on my gaming Youtube channel but to make it a little easy for any of you reading this and wanting to see it…

Here it is:

Regarding Blue Sunday, I also want to tell you that my amazing friend Anna has managed to raise a staggering £20,000 for 12 different M.E charities across the world ~ that figure it absolutely mind blowing and to put it into perspective, the Blue Sunday event had already raised £20,000 over the last 7 or 8 years! So to raise that amount in one year is incredible! I’m so so proud of Anna and all that she has accomplished with this event. M.E Awareness Month can be a very difficult time for those us living with this disease and to have an event like the Blue Sunday Tea Party at the end of M.E Awareness Week really helps the M.E Community to have something to look forward to. It’s also really comforting to see others with M.E joining in and personally it makes me feel a little alone. Also, as I think I mentioned in my ACNH Blue Sunday article, it’s the reason why I decided to bring the event to Animal Crossing in the first place.

Okay, before I leave you all to get on with the rest of your day, I just want to say a huge, massive thank you to every single one of you that has taken the time and energy to read any of the articles I have published during May for M.E Awareness Month. I know not everyone likes reading them, but I really appreciate and am grateful to those of you who do read them. It’s all you, my lovely readers, that help me know that the effort it takes to write the articles I publish here, whether they’re M.E related or not, are absolutely worth it!

Stay Safe.

L x


May Bookish Wrap Up


Loneliness and M.E