Five Things I Love About Autumn

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ID: Graphic with a yellow background with leaves around the border and the words “Five Things I Love About Autumn” written in the middle in white.

Hello friends,

Last week was officially Autumn and if you’ve been reading my blog posts and following my social media for the past few years, then you’ll know that Autumn is my favourite season!

So today, I thought I’d share a few, okay five, things that I absolutely love about Autumn…

1) Hot Chocolate

ID: Four pictures in a collage. One is a mug of hot chocolate. Two are autumn leaf patterns and the fourth is a picture of a tub of Twinings Swiss Hot Chocolate.

While I don’t really need an excuse to drink Hot Chocolate at any time of year, when Autumn comes and the weather gets colder, my Hot Chocolate intake definitely rises! I’m quite picky when it comes to Chocolate in general, so finding a Hot chocolate I like that’s Dairy Free can be quite a challenge for me. However, after a long search I decided, while buying tea of all things, to try the Swiss Hot Chocolate that Twinings sells and I definitely have no regrets at all. It’s so rich and creamy that it’s perfect for those dark, cosy, Autumnal afternoons or nights when all you’re wanting a in hug in a mug!

Twinings has a number of different recipes on their website that you can try using their Hot chocolate. It’s just so versatile and my mum uses it instead of cacao powder when baking and the results are always amazing! It definitely makes any chocolate cake or muffin taste even better without being too rich.

2) Colder Weather

I know many people dread the colder months and try to cling to Summer for as long as possible. But for me the colder, crisper weather is a welcome relief. Thanks to two of my Chronic Illnesses, my poorly body struggles to regulate its temperature. This is due to my body and brain not communicating properly, so my brain doesn’t get the signal to either turn on it’s cooling or heating systems. So in Summer, I’ll often over heat, while in Autumn and Winter I’ll often take a long time to warm up. However, I have always found it easier to warm up than to cool down, so as I said, the colder weather is a relief.

Also I often find the Summer heat, no matter how short a time we experience it here in the UK, to be very energy draining and my nights are sleeplessly spent on the sofa in the lounge as that’s the coldest room in the house. But come Autumn, my bed is just the cosiest place in the world and I basically have to control my urge to get my Winter bedding out too soon!

3) Turning Leaves

ID: Two red coloured Japanese Maple Tree leaves.

While I do enjoy the lush green of Spring and Summer, there’s nothing I love more than the vibrant reds, yellows, oranges and even browns that come when the leaves begin to change in Autumn. These are such warm colours to be surrounded by that even though the weather is turning colder {not a bad thing ~ see above} it gives the outdoors a lovely warm and cosy feel. Also red, yellow and orange are among my favourite colours, so I’m in my element when I began to see the leaves changing on the trees near my house.

4) Cosy Nights and Fairy Lights

ID: Louise’s bookshelf at night, with lights surrounding it and fairy lights in jars on some of the shelves.

If you follow me on Instagram then you’ll know I have fairy lights turned on around my bedroom all year round as I just love how cosy and inviting they make my room feel ~ very important when you spend most of your time in bed. However, when the dark nights come and the sunsets earlier each day, the effect the lights have is just so much more magical, especially when I have no other lights turned on. Each evening they make me want to go to / stay in my bed and read or play Animal Crossing.

5) Big Knit Jumpers and Warm Blankets

ID: Three Knit jumpers piled on top of each other. One White, one Burgundy and one Yellow.

I guess it should come as no surprise that because I love Autumn, that I love a big chunky knit jumper and warm blankets! They truly help me feel so lovely and cosy and as someone who often spends a lot of time in Pyjamas, throwing on a big knit jumper can often help me feel like I’ve kind of got dressed even if my energy doesn’t allow me to fully change on any given day.

Big cosy blankets just add to the comfort of the season. When I’m able to be downstairs on the sofa, I have a single, light tog duvet that I often snuggle under. While it helps keep me warm, it also helps me feel more relaxed on those higher Anxiety days. I also have a lovely couple of blankets that I keep in the footstool in my bedroom. I tend to use these on the days I’m okay enough to be sat at my desk writing or in recent times, when I’m again okay enough to be in my office on a Zoom Meeting and my office is cold.

Okay, if I don’t stop there, this article will be much longer and I’ll be writing it for the entirity of Autumn! Each Season does have it’s own charm and special thing but for me, Autumn will always be the most amazing season of them all. Its ability to change the colours in the world around us is so beautifully fleeting but a lovely reminder than change can be a wonderfully good thing if we allow it to be.

Stay Safe. Enjoy Autumn!

L x


September Wrap Up


Blogging and M.E