Autumn Favourites
Favourites Louise Shepherd Favourites Louise Shepherd

Autumn Favourites

Hello friends,

Golden yellow and red leaves, warm jumpers and cosy blankets, if you’ve been reading my blog for a while then you know how much I love Autumn! And since this week it’s officially Autumn, I thought I’d share a few of my favourite things that have been helping me feel cosy and autumnal even before Summer ended ~ sorry Summer, you just aren’t the one!

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Five Things I Love About Autumn
Favourites Louise Shepherd Favourites Louise Shepherd

Five Things I Love About Autumn

Last week was officially Autumn and if you’ve been reading my blog posts and following my social media for the past few years, then you’ll know that Autumn is my favourite season!

So today, I thought I’d share a few, okay five, things that I absolutely love about Autumn…

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