Book Haul #4

ID: A stack of 5 books with the spines showing the titles of each book that is featured in this article.

Hello Friends,

I’m back this week with another book haul for you all. The majority of these books I’ve seen mentioned by a couple of my favourite BookTubers and thought they sounded like I might enjoy them. A couple of them, I’ve had on my Waterstones Wishlist for a while and decided to buy {one of those was also a recommendations from someone in the bookclub I co-host} and the other, is the second book in a series that I want to continue.

Let’s get into the books and maybe you’ll find something you’d like to read as well:

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

I’ve had this one on my Wishlist for a while but when someone mentioned it at the meet up of the bookclub I co-host, I felt I needed to get it on my bookshelf ready to read in the coming weeks. I think most people will be familiar with this story because it was made into a film, however because I’ve wanted to read the book first book, I’ve not seen the film.

ID: A stack of books with the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline stood on top of them.

The story is set in the year 2044 and the world is ruined. The main escape from all the badness in the world is something called the OASIS and this is where the character, Wade Watts spends his time. Within this Virtual utopia, you can be anything you want and do anything you want. However there’s more to this than meets the eye…

The creator of OASIS has hidden a lottery ticket within it that will give the person who finds it, the ultimate prize! However, the find key to finding the ticket is based on riddles relating to 20th Century Culture.

The plot just sounds so intriguing that I don’t know why I haven’t decided to buy this sooner and I’m going to hopefully read it soon.

The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

This is the first book in Becky Chamber’s Wayfarers Series {there’s four books in total} and I’ve seen a number of people talking about this series for a while and it sounds so good. Normally, I’d get the entire series so I can binge read it, but I’ve decided to be a slightly more sensible than usual. I’ve just got the first book and then if I enjoy it, I will then get the other books. Also the fourth book isn’t published until February and then it’s only in Hardback and I’m one of those people who like the book series to match! So I’ll read this and then re-read it along with the others once the last book is available in paperback.

ID: A stack of books with the book The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers on top.

So this book follows Rosemary Harper. She joins the crew of the Wayfarer and all she wants is somewhere small and quiet to call home away from her troubled past. However, the crew of the Wayfarer is a mix of different species and personalities which makes life on board a little more chaotic. Then they’re offered the job of building a hyperspace tunnel to a distant planet and if they survive the long journey, they will be paid enough to live very comfortably indeed. But Rosemary isn’t the only one on board with a past and secrets to hide and they all soon realise that spaceships are very small!

From the general synopsis, this sounds like a very character driven space adventure and I’m hoping it’ll make my little Sci-Fi loving heart happy!

Invictus by Ryan Graudin

This one was brought to my attention by one of the BookTubers I enjoy watching, Hailey In Bookland She has read a couple of Ryan Graudin’s other books and mentioned she wanted to read this one as well. As soon as Hailey talked about time travel, I was intrigued and immediately searched for the book on the Waterstones website.

ID: A stack of books with the book Invictus by Ryan Graudin on top.

It follows someone names Farway McCarthy who is a time traveller, who captains a crew on a dangerous mission into the past. He then collides with Eliot, a mysterious, secretive girl, whose appearance raises questions about time itself. Farway must take a leap of faith and follow Eliot on a race against time to try to protect everything he’s ever loved from disappearing forever.

I have always been fascinated with time travel and alternative universes, so I’m looking forward to reading this one.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is one of those books that seems to be one of those “books to read before you die” type of books. I’ve almost bought it so many times and when I was browsing Waterstones and purchasing the other books in this haul, I again brought up Gatsby and when I saw this 70th Anniversary edition, I just coudnt’t leave it behind.

The book The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald stood on another book.

I feel like many reading this will know the plot of Gatsby, especially, if like me, you’ve seen the film featuring Leonardo DiCaprio playing Gatsby. But for those that aren’t familiar with the story, let me give you a quick synopsis:

The story is narrated by Nick Carraway who lives in New York. He tells the reader about an event that takes place during the summer of 1922 through a series of flashbacks, which aren’t always in chronological order. Through Nick we meet his cousin, Daisy and his mysterious neighbour, Jay Gatsby, who share a history. Gatsby lives with the hope of one day meeting Daisy again at one of the elaborate parties he hosts every night.

I know that’s a little vague but for anyone who hasn’t read the book or seen the film, then I feel like sharing more information will spoiler the book.

The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson

This was another book that peaked my interest when I saw another of my favourite BookTubers, Ashleigh from A Frolic Through Fiction mention it. This is another book with alternate realities at the centre of the plot and as I mentioned earlier, that is something I love to read about.

ID: The book A Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson.

In this one we follow Cara who lives in a world where 380 different realities have been unlocked but Cara is only alive in 8 of them! When she’s offered a job travelling the multiverse and a safe place in the city she lives in, she readily agrees.

But when one of her doppelgänger's mysteriously dies, she’s plunged into a new world with an old secret. As Cara tries to discover what happened, what she find may not only endanger her Earth, but the entire multiverse!

I’m so excited to pick this one up, especially as I’m buddy reading it in November with the co-host of the Animal Crossing book club I help run.

The Tea Dragon Festival by Katie O’Neill

This is the second graphic novel in the Tea Dragon Society series, which I read last year and absolutely loved it. Although I haven’t received this one yet as the publishers are having to re-print it, I wanted to just pop it at the end of this haul as I did order it at the same time as the others.

If you haven’t heard or read The Tea Dragon Society, it’s basically a story that follows a young girl who finds a Tea Dragon and when she returns it to its owner, she is invited to learn about them.

It’s just a lovely, wholesome story and I’m really looking forward to this arriving.

I also recently purchased a special edition box set of The Hunger Games series which includes TheBallad of Songbirds and Snakes, which of course I didn’t need, but absolutely had to add to my bookshelf!

ID: A 4 book boxset of The Hunger Games series.

I’ve had to do a little reorganisation to fit these new books on my bookshelves but the effort is completely worth it.

So those are all the books I’ve recently added to my collection, hopefully there’s something there that might have peaked your interest. If you also have any book recommendations, please do leave me a comment below.

Stay safe. Read more.

L x


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