World Book Day 2022

{This article contains Affiliate links. This is a copy of my World book Day Instagram Post.}

Book Stack of The House at Pooh Corner, Pride and Prejudice, Matilda, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games, Carve the Mark,Divergent, and The Four Seasons of Brambly Hedge.

Happy World Book Day Readers!

Some books just become favourites from the moment you read the first few words or chapters. They are the books that you want to restart when you’ve turned the last page.

While you can never get that “first time reading” feeling back, they become the books you reach for when you just want to spend time with some favourite characters and/or a favourite author’s writing. They are the books that can bring you the comfort that you need and no other book will do.

Below is a list of my all time favourite books ~ the ones that I’ve read multiple times over the years. Some of these are childhood favourites and others I first read as a teen or adult and just fell in love with them.

Reading these books feels like spending time with good friends and they help me escape the realities of life in a way no other books I’ve read can.

What are some of your all time favourite books? I’d love to know.

Stay Safe. Read a Book.

L x


February Bookish Wrap Up


February Book Haul