Tropic Skincare Review

** Disclaimer: These are my honest thoughts on these products. I have no affiliation with Tropic Skincare. I‘m not being paid to review their products. I followed the instructions exactly for each product. I have an Autoimmune Disease and highly sensitive skin which means I react to a lot of products that others are okay to use. Always always check the ingredients on products before using ~ especially if you have allergies or intolerances.**

ID: Graphic with Tropic Skincare written on it with two illustrations on bottled products.

Hello Friends,

A week or so ago I decided to do something a little risky for someone with highly sensitive skin and an Autoimmune Disease which causes my Immune System to think everything is trying to kill me…

I decided to try a few new Skin Care Products from Tropic Skin Care, a brand I’ve never tried before. Here’s why I made that decision…

I am a Body Shop girl through and through and I have a very tailored skin care routine using a number of their products ~ I’m a big believer in adjusting your skin care for how your skin feels on any given day. However, I haven’t found a product that really helps the redness I get on my cheeks due to inflammation. Some do ease it a little bit nothing really clears it up completely.

So when I was invited to a Tropic Skin Care Zoom Party, I said I’d go {health allowing ~ which, spoiler alert, it didn’t!} and decided to have a browse of their website before hand. While I had heard of Tropic many years ago, I’ve never looked at their products as I’d found others that my skin was happy with, so didn’t want to risk upsetting it as it’s very temperamental. However, while looking through some of the products, I found a couple that said they helped with redness, so I just decided to give them ago and I really wanted them to be okay for me to use as I felt they’d make additions to my skincare collection.

Here are the products I ordered along with my thoughts on them now I’ve used them for a almost a week:

ID: A Photo of Skincare products wrapped in botanical designed packaging.

ABC Skincare Collection ~ Unscented:

This collection includes their Smooth Cleanser, Vitamin Toner, Skin Feast and Bamboo Face Cloth.

My initial thoughts were positive, each of the products felt nice on my skin. My skin didn’t have any reactions, there was no awful burning feeling {if you know, you know!} and my skin didn’t look as red, which was what I was hoping for. However, I noticed that as the day went on, my skin became very oily. This is not normal for me as, while the past year or so, I’ve noticed my T-Zone get a bit more oily during that time of the month due to Hormonal changes {Peri-Menopause is such fun!} it is never as oily as my skin was by the time I was ready for doing my nighttime skincare.

I initially thought it was one of the other products, which I’ll go into soon, but I soon realised it wasn’t just that other product. Sadly, the more I used the Cleanser, Toner and Moisturiser my skin just become even more oily ~ I didn’t even have skin that oily as a Teenager {yes I was one of those annoying people with decent skin teenage skin. Sorry} The Cleanser and Moisturiser were definitely too rich for my skin. I even reduced the amount I was using to 1 pump for each but still my skin was feeling oily.

As for the Toner, although it was refreshing to use, I didn’t feel like my skin felt really clean or that my pores looked refined, which is what it says it does. I think if you’re someone who likes a face mist, especially on a hot day, then this Toner might be worth trying as it’s full of vitamins and amino acids so it’s also beneficial for your skin while making you feel refreshed.

The Bamboo Face Cloth, again my first thoughts were good. It’s very soft and felt lovely to use. I wrung it out the best I could and hung it with my towels over the landing bannister to dry for the day. However, it still wasn’t dry by the night and this went on for a few days until it began to smell damp. Thankfully by this point, our airing cupboard was now empty of drying washing and so I washed it with a bit of my hand soap and hung it in there and by the night it was just about dry. I feel like the only other thing I could have done to get it dry would be to throw it in the tumble dryer but I felt that defeated the purpose of using a clean, environmentally friendly product to have to use my tumble dryer twice a day if the airing cupboard isn’t an option.

Super Greens Nutrient Boost Oil:

This was the product I was most interested in trying as it’s suppose to help with redness and irritation, something my skin often is. As with the other products, my first thoughts were good, though it left my skin feeling oily, it had certainly helped calm the redness on my cheeks. I gave it the benefit of the doubt and thought it might take a while to soak into my skin, but by the night, my skin felt even more oily.

Not one to be defeated and knowing it can take your skin time to adjust to something new, I used this product again the next day but I only used 1 drop instead of the 3 it tells you to on the bottle. Sadly again my skin felt so oily throughout the day and by the night, my skin really didn’t feel nice at all so I decided to stop using it.

Out of all the products, this was the one I was the saddest about not working out for my skin. It really did help calm the redness but like the Cleanser and Moisturiser, it is simply too rich for my skin.

Deep Hydrating Soothing Cooling Mask:

This was the free mask I chose with the ABC Collection. I looked at all of them but again as this one says it helps with inflammation and redness, I thought I’d give it ago.

The texture is lovely and it does indeed feel quite cooling when it’s on. However, it’s very fragrant, so much so, that I could feel it catching the back of my throat. When first applying it, my skin felt okay but after about 10 minutes, my right cheek began to tingle and when I took it off after 20 minutes, my cheek was very red and very sore. Although I had checked the ingredients and felt I’d be okay with everything, there’s definitely something in this mask that my skin doesn’t like.

Like the Super Greens, I felt sad this mask didn’t work out as I had high hopes for it but alas it just wasn’t meant to be!

Tamanu Balm All-In-One Skin Saviour:

This was actually the main product I wanted to try as this balm is supposed to help with everything ~ from scarring to bug bites and even Eczema and Psoriasis.

At the moment, my Eczema seems to be okay and I’ve not had a full on flare for a little while, but I do have rashes on the tops on my arms. I’ve had them for years and I’m not sure if it’s due to histamine reactions {they almost look like a heat rash} or related to one of my Chronic Illnesses. They often feel dry and sometimes even itchy and I’ve tried all sorts to clear them up and nothing has worked. They don’t even look better when I have to take Anti-Histamines for my allergies. A dermatologist may be needed to be honest.

So there’s a lot of pressure on this little balm. I have only used it a couple times as I’ve had to give more energy to the skin on my face but now that is almost back to its normal self, I’ll be able to try this balm more.

I have used it a couple times and although the smell is very strong and catches at my throat, the rashes did feel more hydrated and didn’t look as bad. So hopefully with more use, this balm might help clear them up. So the jury is still out on this one really until I’ve used it for a good while. I’ll maybe do a follow-up post on my Instagram about it in another few weeks.

ID: a photo of all the Tropic Products mentioned in this article.

I do feel all these products are high quality, a little goes a long way, so while they are quite expensive, they seem like they are cost effective and would last a while. The packaging is nice, though I did struggle a little bit getting the tops off the ABC collection products at times {weak hands thanks to M.E}. I’ll also just mention that if you are a fellow M.E person or have a Chronic illness which means you struggle to stand at the sink of a long time, then the Cleanser especially might not be the best fit as it’s a wash off one. I used this for almost a week and was beginning to feel the effects of having to stand at the sink for a while twice a day. On my lower energy days and to save some energy all round, I tend to reach for a Cream Cleanser when my skin doesn’t need any extra attention as that doesn’t need to be washed off ~ this means I can do my Cleanse, Tone and Moisture sitting down on my bed and then only use the sink to wash my hands.

So overall, I feel really sad that these products didn’t work out for my skin but I’m sure they work wonders for other people. Once I went back to using my normal skincare products, my skin felt so much better and the lesson has been learned ~ I will be sticking to what I already know my skin loves and I’ll just have to accept that with having M.E and an Autoimmune disease, my skin is going to be the inflammation that they cause.

Have you tried Tropic Skincare? I’d love to know how you got on with them.

Stay Safe. Look After Your Skin.

L x


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