August Wrap Up

ID: Graphic with a deep red background and the words “August Wrap Up” written in the middle surrounded by illustrations of two stars, a book and a cup of tea.

Hello Friends and Happy September!

I’m so happy that September is finally here and the cooler months are on their way and Autumn! I’m so excited for Autumn! If you’ve been reading my old wittering ons for some time, then you’ll know that Autumn is my favourite time of the year. But let’s got on with this Month’s Wrap Up before I start gushing about my love of Autumn…

Health Update:

For once, there isn’t really much to report health wise. Aside from my usual monthly flare, things haven’t been any worse or any better. I’m just coasting along, doing my best to pace, rest and potter around the house. Just normal life with M.E really.

Books ~ Book Love by Debbie Tung

This is another one of Debbie Tung’s lovely comic bind ups. As the title suggests, this one is all about the love of books and the people who love them! It’s a lovely, quick read and I felt very seen with almost every turn of the page.

ID: A photo of a book with a white cover, a greyscale illustration of a girl surrounded by books and the title Book Love written in red.

It highlights those wonderful moments of buying books, those horrible moments when the film adaption ruins your favourite book and all the other things book lovers experience in between. The illustrations are so wonderful and truly convey just how special books and reading can be.

I’d definitely recommend picking this one either for yourself or for the book lover in your life.

TV Shows ~ Gilmore Girls

I know I’m quite a few years late to this one as it first aired from 2000 ~ 2007, but I’m so glad I gave this a try when it first came to Netflix a year or two ago. I’m now on, I think, my third or fourth watch through and I just enjoy it so much! It’s funny, it’s sad, it’s happy and I find it’s another one of those shows that’s just easy to watch, doesn’t take too much energy and I can put it on in the background while I’m doing something else.

I love the small town setting, I think it works really well, as does the dynamic between many of the characters. There’s also a four episode series {each episode is set during each Season} called “A Year in the Life”, which is Netflix made and catches up with the characters almost 10 years after the final series wrapped back in 2007.

If you’re looking for something easy to watch, then maybe give this a go.

Skincare Products ~ The Tea Tree Clearing Mattifying Toner, Tea Tree Anti-imperfection Night Mask and Japanese Matcha Tea Pollution Clearing Mask all from The Body Shop

I know I normally only share one product but if you read my Tropic Skincare Review then you’ll know that I’ve been dealing with very oily skin for the past week, which isn’t a normal thing for me at all. However, as I do get a slightly oily T-Zone during that time of the month, I do have a few products on hand to help control and get rid of all the oiliness. As it wasn’t just one product that has helped my skin on its way back to its normal self, I thought I’d share all of them.

ID: Photo of 3 Body Shop products, two are small glass pots and one is a taller bottle. All are green.

The first product I grabbed was my trusty Tea Tree Toner, {my daily toner} which because of it’s antibacterial properties makes my skin so lovely and clean. Then I used my Tea Tree Overnight Mask and by the next morning, my skin was already feeling a little less oily. I used the Tea Tree toner again that morning and in the evening, I decided to pop on the Japanese Matcha Tea Mask. My skin definitely felt much nicer afterwards and now a week on, my skin is thankfully feeling much more like it’s old dryer self.

So if you’re struggling with oily or combination skin, these three products, in fact, The Body Shop’s entire Tea Tree Range might be worth having a look at.

I think I’m going to wrap this up there, finish my cup of tea and rest before I play some more Animal Crossing New Horizons.

I hope your August was as good as can be and that your September has been kind so far.

Stay Safe.

L x


The Existence of Amy by Lana Grace Riva {#AD/Gifted book review}


Tropic Skincare Review