My New Home

ID: A graphic with a dark grey background with the words “New Website” at the top and “” on the bottom, with a laptop graphic in the middle.

Hello Friends!

This has been a long time coming and it’s very much a work in progress. But I have moved my little corner of the Internet to a new space. I’m now using SquareSpace for all my blogging needs and so far I’m loving it. Building the site was nice and easy and everything works in “blocks”, which is similar to Smugmug, the provider of my photography site, so it wasn’t too difficult to figure out the basics.

There’s a few things I’m still trying to work out but with time and use, I’ll get the hang of it all. I think the most exciting thing about this move is that I have a proper domain now ~ I feel so much more professional!

I’ve transferred all my Blogger content over, so all my previous articles are here with me. However, because of how Squarespace works, I’ve decided to have a bit of a fresh start and my June Wrap Up is officially my last blog post on using Blogger. So you’ll find all my older content and articles via the “Older Posts” link below the header. The images in those posts do need some fixing in order for them to show as images rather than code. Like I said, it’s all a work in progress and I’ll work my way through them bit by bit when I have the energy.

While I’m excited for this big change, it does feel like the end of an era. I started using Blogger, a couple of years or so after Google bought it from it’s originally creators in 2003 and have run numerous blogs on the site and I’ve enjoyed the experience so much. But in the past year, as my articles are now being shared more, especially through the M.E Association, I felt it was time to start looking into having a proper website for my blog and writing.

I looked into a couple of website providers but settled on Squarespace mainly because they were the only one I came across that could transfer my posts from Blogger and I wanted to bring my older content over. I also browsed many many website templates and I always came back to the ones on Squarespace. So it just felt right when I was able to finally make the move.

I hope you’ll stick with me through this big change as, like I said, I’m still finding my way around and I still have a section or two that I think I want to maybe add. But if you have any helpful advice or things you see that need fixing, please let me know.

Before I go, I just want to say huge thank you, to all of you that take the time and use your energy to read the articles that I write here. I put a lot into each and every word and it truly means a lot to know that they are helpful to you or that you enjoy them.

I hope today is a kind one for you all and you’re taking care.

Stay Safe. Wear a Mask.

L x


Slay by Brittney Morris ~ Book Review